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New CVars to customize the scoreboard without SCORINFO

As per 0004227, it's too much to expect users, especially those who might not know how to create their own WAD file(s), to use the SCORINFO lump to customize a few basic properties like (row) background colour or opacity. I added a bunch of CVars that allow users to override some SCORINFO properties so they can change the appearance of the scoreboard to their liking.

  1. sb_customizetextcolors - enables custom text colour settings.

    • sb_useteamtextcolors - overrides the USETEAMTEXTCOLORS scoreboard flag.
    • sb_headertextcolor - changes the header text colour.
    • sb_rowtextcolor - changes the row text colour.
    • sb_localrowtextcolor - changes the row text colour for the player being spied on.
    • sb_localrowdemotextcolor - same as sb_localrowtextcolor, but only while in a demo.
  2. sb_customizebordercolors - enables custom border colour settings.

    • sb_useheadertextcolorforborders - overrides the USEHEADERTEXTCOLORFORBORDERS scoreboard flag.
    • sb_lightbordercolor - changes the "light" border colour.
    • sb_darkbordercolor - changes the "dark" border colour.
  3. sb_customizebackground - allows changing of the scoreboard's background colour (sb_backgroundcolor) and opacity (sb_backgroundalpha).

  4. sb_customizerowbackgrounds - enables custom row background settings.

    • sb_showgapsinrowbackground - overrides the SHOWGAPSINROWBACKGROUND scoreboard flag.
    • sb_nolocalrowbackgroundcolor - overrides the DONTUSELOCALROWBACKGROUNDCOLOR scoreboard flag.
    • sb_onlylocalrowbackground - overrides the ONLYSHOWLOCALROWBACKGROUND scoreboard flag.
    • sb_lightrowbackgroundcolor - changes the "light" row background colour.
    • sb_darkrowbackgroundcolor - changes the "dark" row background colour.
    • sb_localrowbackgroundcolor - changes the row background colour for the player being spied on.
    • sb_rowbackgroundalpha - changes the opacity of the row background.
    • sb_deadrowbackgroundalpha - same as sb_rowbackgroundalpha, but for dead players.

Note that USETEAMTEXTCOLOR has been pluralized to USETEAMTEXTCOLORS to reflect how there's multiple teams with different text colours. Additionally, USETEAMTEXTCOLORS has been fixed to not have any effect in non-team game modes (e.g. cooperative).

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