Failure to enable toolbar icons
Toolbar icons fail to become enabled when editing files. Due to the fact that shortcut keys are also unresponsive then, I suspect that this is because handlers are simply not enabled.
However, the enablement may work (almost) correctly depending on the nature of the file opened.
To reproduce:
- Make the Mercurial Team Actions toolbar visible in the perspective (Window > Perspective > Customize Perspective...)
- Open a file from the Mercurial project in an editor.
- Enable Link With Editor in an explorer view (e.g. Package Explorer, Navigator or Project Explorer) to the editor
- Switch from the explorer view to the editor.
Result: the toolbar icons are activated when the input focus is in the explorer view and deactivated when it is in the editor.
I've had that result with the following file types:
- Java
- .ts (with plugin TypeSript IDE from Angelo Zerr)
- Ant build scripts (build.xml)
- .js
These file types are less problematic (only the Compare With Parent icon is affected by this problem):
- .html
- Maven POM files (pom.xml)
- .json
The only files that worked correctly were (maybe because of the editor, JBoss Tools Properties editor):
- .properties
I don't think the exact list of plugins installed in my everyday instance is useful. I am simply worried that the "new" API has been around but unused for so long since the deprecation of the action API (circa 3.4) that bugs simply flew under everyone's radar.